personal AI

PrivateGPT on AWS: The New Era of LLMs Document Security


Since the introduction of the Large Language Models I have been intrigued to experiment with them and I was concerned about their potential introduction in the company’s documentation and information retrieval processes. The main concern is, of course to make sure that the internal data remains private and that does does not become part of the data sources used to train OpenAI’s chatGPT.

I was then attracted by an article from PyCoach, which mentioned a project by Iván Martínez. The main point of the project is to create an open and free LLM, with a focus on privacy. You can find the GitHub repo here.

I was so inspired that I decided to create my own private Large Language Model (LLM), in order to ingest and process documents in a secure way.

I first tried to install it on my laptop, but I soon realised that my laptop didn’t have the specs to run the LLM locally so I decided to create it on AWS, using an EC2 instance. Here are the logical steps that you have to follow to do the same

1. Creating an EC2 instance

Let’s first visit the AWS website and get to the EC2 service page

Let’s start by going into the EC2 section of the using an Ubuntu 22.04 image

Now, let’s make sure you have enough free space on the instance (I am setting it to 30GB at the moment)

If you have any doubts you can check the space left on the machine by using this command

df -BM

2. Setting Up Key Pairs

Create a new key pair and download the .pem file and store it somewhere safe.
Change the permissions of the key file using this command

chmod 400 ~/Documents/aws/privateGPT.pem

Otherwise, you won’t be able to log in as EC2 will refuse the connection lamenting that the permissions are too open. Now you should be able to SSH into the machine you have just created by typing the command

ssh -i ~/path/to/privateGPT.pem [email protected]

3. Checking AVX/AVX2 compatibility

The main issue I’ve found in running a local version of privateGPT was the AVX/AVX2 compatibility (apparently I have a pretty old laptop hehe).

This is not an issue on EC2. If you want to double check that this is the case you can use the command:

grep avx /proc/cpuinfo

4. Install Python 3.10 and pip

Python 3.10 is essential for running privateGPT.

First, to ensure that your system is updated and the required packages installed, type in the following command:

sudo apt install software-properties-common -y

Then, proceed and add the deadsnakes PPA to the APT package manager sources list as below.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa

With the deadsnakes repository added to your Ubuntu system, now download Python 3.10 with the single command below.

sudo apt install python3.10

Finally, you can install pip3

sudo apt install python3-pip

5. Setting Up the Environment

Now, we will check that git is installed


Clone the privateGPT repository

git clone

Then, navigate to the cloned directory

cd privateGPT/

and install the requirements using pip

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

6. Downloading the LLM

Change the name of the environment variables file name using the mv command

mv example.env .env

Create a folder that will contain the LLM

mkdir models
cd models/

And now use wget to download the actual LLM file (it might take a while, the file is around 3.5GB)


7. Adding Documents to the Machine

That’s when the fun begins! The repo comes with an example file that can be ingested straight away, but I guess you won’t be interested in asking question around the state of the union speech. So you can navigate into the folder first, and then make sure that it doesn’t contain any files using these commands.

cd ../
rm source_documents/*

Now, you can add the files you would like to ingest and ask questions about using SCP. Remember that you will have to pass also the pem file as a parameter to make a secure connection to the machine

scp -i ~/path/to/privateGPT.pem ~/path/to/document.extension [email protected]:~/privateGPT/source_documents

It’s finally time to ask questions about your documents!

I love the fact that PrivateGPT supports a variety of different commonly used formats. The currently supported extensions are:

  • .csv: CSV,
  • .docx: Word Document,
  • .doc: Word Document,
  • .enex: EverNote,
  • .eml: Email,
  • .epub: EPub,
  • .html: HTML File,
  • .md: Markdown,
  • .msg: Outlook Message,
  • .odt: Open Document Text,
  • .pdf: Portable Document Format (PDF),
  • .pptx: PowerPoint Document,
  • .ppt: PowerPoint Document,
  • .txt: Text file (UTF-8),

Now, there are two key commands to remember here. The first one will ingest any document available in source_document folder, automatically creating the embeddings for us.

cd ~/privateGPT

The second will create an interactive session where we can ask questions about the ingested documents


That’s it! You just created your personal LLM that will answer questions about any document you decide to ingest. Only the sky is the limit now.

As a final note is worth mentioning that this project is still a working progress and that the solution is nowhere near production ready, as it is not focused on performance, but on privacy. Getting a single answer on a small can indeed take several minutes.


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