Project 1
SQL Apprentice
The project is about teaching SQL language as part of a course of Computer Science. Typically, this activity is made in a laboratory, using syntax exposure and sperimentative sessions, during which the teacher shows the functioning of the various features offered by the language. However this teaching method is not always enough to simplify learning. This project aims to develop an approach, based on software visualization techniques, which provides a valuable aid to teaching of SQL language.
I focused first on some theoretical aspects, such as the definition of database and SQL basics, concepts needed to understand the perimeter within which I worked in the design and the subsequent implementation of the system. Then I moved on describing the different implementation of a DBMS, starting from the relational model and arriving to the novelty of the last years, the NoSQL DBMS – also called non-relational DBMS – used mainly in areas where the operations’ execution time the DB really matters.

Project 2
Bangla di Roma
Realizzazione della versione applicazione web di Bangla di Roma, con l’utilizzo di tutte le ultime tecnologie in materia web (HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Bootstrap framework). L’applicazione fornisce le stesse funzionalità disponibili nella versione mobile e le rende fruibili tramite browser web.
Questo articolo è disponibile anche in: Italian
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